Are you tired of uncomfortable dentures that slip and rub the inside of your mouth? Snap-on dentures may be the solution you've been looking for. At Nathan Memmott DDS Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry in Spring, TX, we offer snap-on, implant-supported dentures as a comfortable and effective option for complete tooth replacement.

guy smiling a happy smile using one hand to point to his mouth and another to hold a model of upper and lower teeth

What Are Snap-On Dentures?

Snap-on dentures, also known as implant-retained dentures or overdentures, are a type of denture supported by dental implants. The denture has special locators on the underside of it, designed to "snap" onto 2-4 corresponding dental implants, providing a secure and stable fit.

How Do Snap-On Dentures Work?

Snap-on dentures involve placing two or more dental implants at strategic points in your mouth. The denture is then attached to the implants using special attachments or “locators.” This provides a secure and stable fit, where the denture clips into place each day, thus eliminating the need for messy adhesives and uncomfortable slipping when your dentures don’t fit well.

model of snap-on dentures and how they work
guy smiling inside house with hand on chin happy

Advantages of Snap-On Dentures

  • A better fit for people with moderate to severe bone loss.
  • A denture that fits securely throughout the day and won’t rock, shift, or slip out of place.
  • No irritation or rubbing on your gums.
  • As few as two implants can be used to secure your denture.
  • An affordable alternative to permanent implant dentures. 

Caring For Snap-On Dentures

Caring for snap-on dentures is similar to home care and maintenance for traditional dentures. You should remove the dentures every night and clean them thoroughly using a denture brush and cleaning solution. You should also brush your gums to maintain good oral hygiene. You’ll want to plan on seeing Dr. Memmott for regular checkups to have your denture evaluated, any locators changed out, and for routine oral cancer screenings. 

pair of hands washing snap-on dentures under running water
older lady standing in a kitchen smiling at the camera

Are Snap-On Dentures Expensive?

The cost of snap-on dentures can vary depending on several factors, including the number of dental implants needed and the condition of your oral health. Fortunately, snap-on dentures are often more cost-effective in the long run than traditional dentures, as they are a long-lasting solution that can withstand the normal wear and tear of everyday use without recurring adjustments or relines. They’re also more affordable than fixed solutions, such as “All-on-4” types of treatments, offering the perfect middle ground for someone who is missing all of their teeth.

Free Snap-on Denture Consultation

If you're tired of dealing with uncomfortable or loose-fitting dentures, snap-on dentures may be the solution you've been looking for. At Nathan Memmott DDS Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry, we offer high-quality snap-on overdentures to help restore your smile and improve your overall quality of life. Contact us today to reserve a free consultation and to find out if snap-on dentures are right for you.

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