Dr. Memmott caters specialized treatment plans to patients with missing teeth, offering a wide variety of restorative solutions. If you’re looking for a stable and comfortable solution to replace missing teeth, partial dentures are an excellent option.

lady standing outside smiling with trees behind her sunshine

Preserving Your Natural Teeth for a Healthy Smile

When you lose a tooth, it can affect the alignment and integrity of your remaining teeth. The surrounding teeth may shift or tilt, which can cause bite problems and lead to additional tooth and bone loss. Partial dentures can help prevent these issues by filling in the spaces created by missing teeth and keeping your natural teeth in their proper position.

Gaining Stability with Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are designed to fit securely alongside your remaining teeth, thanks to their custom-made design and secure clasps. They are made with a metal or acrylic base to fit securely in place throughout the day. This stability ensures that your partial dentures will stay in place while you eat, talk, and smile, but it’s still removable at the end of the day.

Adjusting to Partial Dentures

Like any new prosthesis, partial dentures may take some time to get used to. However, with time and practice, you will adjust to wearing your partial dentures and be able to enjoy all the benefits they offer, including eating the foods you love. Most people adjust to their partials within a couple of weeks.

model of partial dentures
model of partial dentures
guy standing outside in the sun smiling and happy

More Benefits of Partial Dentures

In addition to preserving the health of your remaining natural teeth and offering stability, partial dentures have other benefits. They can improve your ability to chew and speak, enhance your appearance, and boost your confidence. Partial dentures are also easy to clean and maintain, making them a convenient option for patients with busy lifestyles.

Call Our Westfield Dentist Today

If you have missing teeth and want to learn more about partial dentures, contact Nathan Memmott DDS Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry. Our team of dental professionals can evaluate your needs and recommend the best treatment options for your unique situation. Call today to request a consultation.

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